Planning is well under way for our ‘Out of Darkness’ Show Garden for the Malvern Spring Festival 2015. Here is our final design for the garden. We wanted to create a design that would be simple yet effective, something that anyone could replicate. Below is a brief explanation of the themes and inspiration behind the garden.
“Everyone has a shady area in their garden. All it takes is a hedge or high wall and you are left with dark corner that you may feel is uninspiring and difficult to plant. With our Out of Darkness garden we hope to demonstrate that any shady area can be transformed into a haven of calm and natural beauty.
The planting scheme highlights the wonderful array of shade-tolerant plants available to any garden enthusiast and demonstrates how they can be used to create an attractive blend of colour and texture. The fresh, vibrant planting is combined with crisp hard landscaping to create a dynamic combination of light and dark.
The showcase piece within the garden is the innovative moss graffiti, which when viewed in perspective alongside the decked trunk feature, creates a striking tree image. The garden also offers a quiet area in which to sit and soak up the tranquil atmosphere.
The Out of Darkness garden hopes to inspire visitors to re-think those neglected shady areas and demonstrate that out of darkness something beautiful can be created”.

We are working with a local Artist, Lee Morris, who along with his colleague Tom Brown became reknown for Graffiti art around Malvern and became a national news story when they were caught red handed by the local constabulary. (they were let off because the graffiti was so good)! Lee will be designing and helping to implement our Moss Graffiti tree canopy. I will post more details of this and a picture of his design over the coming days.
We have a lot of work between now and the show in early May, and lots of exciting stages are yet to come.
We are already up on the Malvern Spring Festival 2015 website. Click the following for more info:
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